
Thursday 10 January 2013

Oscar Nominations 2013

My predictions are highlighted along with a few words about what I've seen, what I'd like to win and what I'm disappointed about.

Best Supporting Actor:
Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained
Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master
Robert De Niro, Silver Linings Playbook
Alan Arkin, Argo
Tommy Lee Jones, Lincoln

I’ve only seen Argo and Silver Linings Playbook but I suspect it will go to one of these two, probably Tommy Lee Jones I reckon.

Best Supporting Actress:
Sally Field, Lincoln
Anne Hathaway, Les Miserables
Jacki Weaver, Silver Linings Playbook
Helen Hunt, The Sessions
Amy Adams, The Master

I’ve only seen Silver Linings Playbook but from the trailer alone, I’d be surprised if Hathaway doesn’t win this for Les Miserables.

Best Director:
David O'Russell, Silver Linings Playbook
Ang Lee, Life of Pi
Steven Spielberg, Lincoln
Michael Haneke, Amour
Benh Zeitlin, Beasts of the Southern Wild

I’ve seen all of these except Beasts of the Southern Wild and Lincoln. I’d love to see Ang Lee get it but my money is on The Beard.

Best Actor:
Daniel Day Lewis, Lincoln
Denzel Washington, Flight
Hugh Jackman, Les Miserables
Bradley Cooper, Silver Linings Playbook
Joaquin Phoenix, The Master

I’ve seen Flight and Silver Linings but this has Daniel Day-Lewis written all over it!

Best Actress:
Naomi Watts, The Impossible
Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty
Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook
Emmanuelle Riva, Amour
Quvenzhané Wallis, Beasts of the Southern Wild

Haven’t seen Zero Dark Thirty or Beasts and though I’d love to see The Impossible win something, I don’t think it will be for Watts’ performance unfortunately. Jennifer Lawrence has the best shot I reckon.

Best Picture:
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Silver Linings Playbook
Zero Dark Thirty
Les Miserables
Life of Pi
Django Unchained

Well if they are going to snub Affleck for director, then I think it is only fair to give Argo Best Picture. Everyone loved it, myself included.

Animated Film:

“Brave” Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman
Frankenweenie” Tim Burton
“ParaNorman” Sam Fell and Chris Butler
“The Pirates! Band of Misfits” Peter Lord
“Wreck-It Ralph” Rich Moore

I’ve only seen Frankenweenie but surely it’s between this and Brave.


“Anna Karenina” Seamus McGarvey
“Django Unchained” Robert Richardson
“Life of Pi” Claudio Miranda
“Lincoln” Janusz Kaminski
“Skyfall” Roger Deakins

Would love to see either Skyfall or Life of Pi win this but think it should go to Skyfall.

Foreighn language film:

“Amour” Austria
“Kon-Tiki” Norway
“No” Chile
“A Royal Affair” Denmark
“War Witch” Canada

Though I’ve only see Amour, I’m completely gutted The Hunt isn’t here. Amour must win if they gave Haneke a nod.

Adapted screenplay:
“Argo” Screenplay by Chris Terrio
“Beasts of the Southern Wild” Screenplay by Lucy Alibar & Benh Zeitlin
“Life of Pi” Screenplay by David Magee
“Lincoln” Screenplay by Tony Kushner
“Silver Linings Playbook” Screenplay by David O. Russell

Hope Life of Pi gets it but could go to Argo or Lincoln.

Original screenplay:

“Amour” Written by Michael Haneke
“Django Unchained” Written by Quentin Tarantino
“Flight” Written by John Gatins
“Moonrise Kingdom” Written by Wes Anderson & Roman Coppola
“Zero Dark Thirty” Written by Mark Boal

No idea but would be nice for Tarantino to get it maybe.

Overall I think The Impossible deserved more nods and I'm gobsmacked The Hunt isn't in best foreign film! Would have thought Affleck would be in the directing category too. For now I'm off to check out the other categories.

What did you think of this year's noms?

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