
Monday 20 May 2013

Box office reports: Iron Man 3 and Star Trek Into Darkness

I've been doing some pretty regular box office reports for Tastic Film, particularly on some of the biggest releases of the blockbuster season so far: Iron Man 3 and Star Trek Into Darkness.

I look at what is topping the charts each week and how much money they are making and often compare it to their budgets to see how much profit they are taking. I'm really enjoying writing box office reports but I do find the predictability of the big winners a bit depressing. It would be great to see more box office surprises when world cinema or little indie films take audiences by storm and make a killing.

I'm developing more and more respect for the site Box Office Mojo where I get most of my figures from. It has everything and so many lists and other wonderful bits like news and comparisons and functionality that means you can look at monthly, weekly, annual or daily figures. It gives too much prominence to US box office figures and I'd like to see them have more for UK box office statistics but nevertheless it is an essential tool for my research.

It has been interesting doing these reports as keeps me very conscious of what is doing well at the box office and when things perform well or under perform. For instance many expected more from Star Trek Into Darkness and Iron Man 3 had the second biggest opening weekend ever just behind Marvel's Avengers.

These behemoths don't really give a chance to smaller films with all their marketing and dedicated fan bases. It just goes to show that if the studios are willing to spend big on marketing and push for the all important opening weekend, they can make back their huge budgets and then just sit back and relax and watch the profits roll in. However there is hope with smaller films occasionally breaking through (just maybe not during the summer blockbuster season)! Stay tuned for more of my box office reports at Tastic Film, all of which you can see by clicking here.

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