
Sunday 1 November 2015

Quoted in Blair Witch Article on BBC Culture

First things first... if you're a fan of The Blair Witch Project and you haven't picked up a copy of my book on the film yet, then please head on over to Amazon and purchase a copy of it here now!

If you're not a huge fan of The Blair Witch Project, but you're still reading this post for some reason, then please check out this article written by Nicholas Barber for BBC Culture, titled 'Was The Blair Witch Project the Last Great Horror Film?' Mr Barber called me up about a week ago to ask me some questions about The Blair Witch Project and he has used some quotes in his article.

Little did I know that he was also speaking to Mark Kermode, Total Film's Jamie Graham and Frightfest organiser Alan Jones. So now I'm quoted in the same article as these three heroes of mine. Sweet!

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