
Tuesday 8 March 2011

12.7 reasons 127 Hours should have won an Oscar

1. James Franco's performance. 
2. Danny Boyle's direction.
3. The soundtrack's use of original score and existing songs.
4. Jon Harris' editing.
5. How the soundtrack, cinematography and editing complimented each other.
6. Enrique Chediak and Anthony Dod Mantle's cinematography. 
7. It's better than Danny Boyle's last film Slumdog Millionaire and that won 8 Oscars.
8. The bravery of Danny Boyle for tackling such a challenging script and for taking on a seemingly unfilmable book set predominantly in one location with an ending most people know already.
9. Danny Boyle and Simon Beaufoy's adapted screenplay from Aron Ralston's brilliant book.
10. The King's Speech isn't THAT good is it?
11. If Fincher and Aronofsky keep making Oscar contenders we may never see them reach the dizzying heights of Academy ignored classics like Fight Club and Requiem for a Dream again.
12.7. A guy cuts his freaking arm off in it and it takes him about 20 minutes! (I think this reason is worth an extra 0.7) Made me want to cheer a hell of a lot more than a guy overcoming a stutter to announce a war!

Maybe I'm being unfair... Did King's Speech, Social Network, Black Swan, Inception deserve the awards they got?


  1. Danny Boyle is one of the most important British film directors since Shallow Grave-1994. 127 Hours with James Franco is fascinating.

    Sancar Seckiner

  2. I absolutely agree. Boyle is one of my favourites and 127 Hours got him right back on form.


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