
Sunday, 20 November 2011

10 Blog posts I highly recommend

You have to start somewhere!  In honour of collecting my 30th follower, writing my 65th post and passing the 2100 page view mark, I want to share with you some very (and not so very) recent links from the wonderful film blogging community.  This is by no means everything I've been reading and there is a whole lot more great stuff out there but this is me sharing the love for ten posts I have really enjoyed and would like to recommend!

Join the Depp vs Pitt debate... Big Thoughts From a Small Mind

Check out a great essay on film piracy... Cinematic Paradox

One to relate to (about being a film buff)... A Life in Equinox

One to ponder about Human Centipede 2... A Lifetime in Dark Rooms

An amusing letter to the producers of the new Twilight mess... And So It Begins

Let Andy know what you think of this years Oscar short list for the documentary category... Andy Buckle's Film Emporium

This is why Andy Serkis should get an Oscar nomination... City Lights

A look at Apollo 18 and the found footage trend... Son of Celluloid

3 monster movies to look out for... To the Escape Hatch

Aziza bigs up Hard Candy... Aziza's Picks

Happy reading and please keep following, reading and commenting!  Special thanks to Big Thoughts from a Small  Mind who have twice put up links to my posts now and for giving me the idea to share the love in my own special way.


  1. Thanks for the link! I am glad you liked it!Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi matey, thanks for sharing these links. I always love to see new things to read...Although a number are on my rounds anyway!!


  3. Thanks for the link, I really appreciate it! Hated that damn movie...


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