
Sunday 26 February 2012

Oscar Odds

I'm not a betting man but I've always wanted to make (or more likely lose) some money by gambling on the Academy Awards winners.  I've just had a look on the Paddy Power betting website and though I find all this stuff about odds a bit confusing, there looks like there could be a chance to make a bit of cash.

Here's what I would put some money on if I was a betting kind of guy.

Best Picture: The Descendants is 12/1, Hugo is 25/1.  If you have any doubts about The Artist, either of these could be worth a putting a pound on.

Best Director:  Payne and Malick at 25/1.  Hazanavicius is the favourite again.

Best Actress:  Davis and Streep the favourites.  Could put a pound on Rooney Mara at 66/1 but only if you can afford to lose that pound!

Best Actor:  Clooney and Dujardin clear favourites.  I'd put a pound on Oldman at 20/1.

Best Supporting Actress: Spencer the favourite.  I'd put a pound on both Bejo (9/1) and Chastain (25/1).

Best Supporting Actor: I'd wager a pound on Von Sydow at 20/1.  Plummer's the favourite.

Best Original Screenplay: Favourites are Midnight in Paris and The Artist and I wouldn't waste a pound on any of the others in a million years.

Best Adapted Screenplay: My money would be all over Moneyball for this with odds of 11/2.   I'd really consider putting money on this one.  The Descendants is the favourite.

Best Animated Feature: Rango the favourite.  I wouldn't waste any money betting on the others.

Best Cinematography: Lubezki is the clear favourite for The Tree of Life but I'd put a quid on Robert Richardson for Hugo with odds of 2/1.

So if I was a betting man I'd divide up a tenner on some of these and see if I came away a rich man or a silly sod who just lost his lunch money for the week.  Anyone fancy these odds?

DISCLAIMER: Gambling is addictive, just look at how many betting shops are springing up in high streets all over the country!  Whatever you do, don't listen to me or ever gamble!  It will be your ruin!


  1. Interesting idea, Pete. I'm definitely not the betting type either, especially at the Academy Awards. Although they rarely surprise, the fact is, if they DO surprise, it tends to fare negatively. At least from what I've seen. I'd bet on The Artist winning the majority of the awards, but it's already the common consensus . . . so what's the point? ;-)

    1. Yeah I only wanted to bet on things that weren't the favourites! Good thing I didn't as the only bet that would have gone my way is the Best Cinematography one. I could have made a pound on that!!!!

  2. hehe It is a sad world that we always have to hide behind disclaimers!! Great post matey

    1. Thanks Scott, yep just in case someone went and placed all those bets and then became obssessed with tracking me down and making me pay them back!

  3. If I were a betting woman, I'd put my money on The Artist and glad that it won Best Picture! Looks like you're spot on about the favorites to win there Pete.

    1. It would just be a little too boring putting money on all the favourites but I'm glad I decided not to bother and there weren't too many surprises on the night!

  4. My problem with the Oscars is I can never decide if they've picked the right film because it isn't until half way through the following year that I catch up with all the nominated films. But I think The Descendants gave good odds, you never know, it might have sprung a surprise but I always expected The Artist to take home the major awards.

    1. Yeah I'm the same Dan, still haven't seen most of the Best Picture contenders but it would have been fun to bet on some of these. Maybe next time!


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