
Tuesday 17 April 2012

A Cause for Celebration: Meet Prometheus' David

Happy birthday David!

Fassbender the robot from Ridley Scott's Prometheus sells himself in this new viral video.  Absolutely love it.

It seems Weyland Industries have really outdone themselves this time.  This thing produces tears on cue and I just can't wait to see him tackle the tasks that humans may find 'distressing'. 

The 1st June is still a very long wait.


  1. He looks good as a peroxyde blond, ahah. The marketing for this movie is pretty brilliant I think, I'm sure the movie will be a decent hit if not a massive one.

    1. Yeah this is a great piece of marketing. I hope it is a massive hit but you might be right.

  2. Man, it comes out June 8th for me. I'm jealous! ha.

    Cannot wait for this awesome looking scifi film!

  3. God I hope I've got that date right now. It's in my movie diary and everything! Knowing me I won't get to the cinema before the 8th anyway!

  4. I am so looking forward to this film. Probably the best marketing of any film this year!

  5. He is already amazing in his role and it's only a 2 minute long video, I can't wait for the movie.

    1. Yeah I don't think a little viral video has ever been so captivating or made me want to watch a film so much before.


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