
Monday 30 September 2013

New Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Posters, Banners and Trailer

Christmas is definitely coming early with the biggest of blockbusters being displayed like bright lights on the particularly large house that is the internet. The studios behind The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug will be keen to capitalise on the successes of the first in each film series and long ago started the marketing ball rolling with stills, posters and trailers. Expect the marketing machines to go into over drive as we get closer to the November and December release dates.

For now, some lovely new banners have been released for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and also a brand spanking new poster for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. The Desolation of Smaug banners are all the usually sumptuous range of imagery and really reminded me of the marketing of The Lord of the Rings and the weight of expectation that each new poster or trailer for that trilogy carried every Christmas.

The first banner focuses on Bilbo and the team of dwarves battling their way through what is likely the darkness of Mirkwood. Then there are separate banners for Elf-King and Legolas Dad Thranduil and finally Luke Evan's new addition Bard the Bowman. There are no more signs of Smaug but Peter Jackson is undoubtedly saving the big final reveal of the dragon until December 13 when the film is released. Enjoy the banners below:

If that hasn't tickled your fancy, perhaps a further slice of Katniss might do the job. Ahead of the November 22nd release date, Lionsgate have unleashed another fiery image from the Hunger Games sequel. Katniss is still determined to maintain her archery skills but despite being thrown back into an arena to fight for her life against former winners, is also being encouraged to 'remember who the enemy is'. The real enemy of course is President Snow and the system that imprisons Katniss and her fellow captive tributes but we will have to wait until Mockingjay Parts 1 and 2 to see Jennifer Lawrence and co rage against the real machine. For now, enjoy the poster:

Liking the look of these posters and banners? If none of that whets your appetite, why not try the brand new Desolation of Smaug trailer:

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