
Thursday 9 January 2014

Buffer's guide at Amazing Radio

I'm still doing my weekly slot on Amazing Radio every Friday  to talk about new releases at the cinema. Sometimes they put these clips up on their website so I thought I'd share them with you. This is me talking to Scott McGerty on Amazing Radio before Christmas about all the new releases on Friday 6th and 13th December. If embedding the player does not work, then click the dates to head to the Amazing Radio website.

Friday 6th December: Frozen, Homefront, Kill Your Darlings, Nebraska

Friday 13th December: Tamla Rose, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Fill the Void, The Christmas Candle

I'm still getting to grips with all this radio stuff so excuse the ums, uhs, kind ofs and whatever else I say repeatedly. I will get better with practice!

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