
Thursday 22 January 2015

Ex Machina Review and Alex Garland Interview for Starburst Magazine

Here is my review of one of the first must-see movies of 2015, Alex Garland's Ex Machina. I was stupidly excited for this seeing as Alex Garland is the author of my all time favourite book The Beach and also the screen writer of one of my favourite horror films, 28 Days Later. Thankfully Garland's directorial debut did not disappoint! Check out my review by clicking on the link above.

I also got to interview Alex Garland for Starburst. I was supposed to get 20 minutes talking to him by phone but unfortunately only got 12 minutes which meant I had a huge amount of questions I was still desperate to ask! Never mind... it was still a privilege. Check out the interview by clicking above.

Check out Starburst Magazine for more.

More interviews from I Love That Film

More reviews from I Love That Film

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