
Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Countdown to Cannes: My Ideal Film List

I’m back at the Cannes Film Festival for my second year running. I’ve been invited back to review films for Tastic Film so expect all my coverage to be up there over the next couple of weeks. The press screening schedule has been released and as usual it’s packed with potential!

Ideally, I’m going to try and see every film I possibly can. There are a few fancy parties we might be going to and there may be the odd screening I can’t get into with my blue badge but in an ideal world, this is going to be the list of films I see over the next seven days!

I’ll be settling in to the press room between screenings to try and write up as much as I can and keep these reviews flowing as quickly as possible but I’m sure the odd film may slip by the wayside eventually. 

I’m a little ashamed to admit that despite all these worthy films on display, the film I’m most looking forward to on this list is Mad Max: Fury Road. Sorry world cinema, I’m a sucker for some action!

Unfortunately, I have to leave on Wednesday so I’ll be missing the last few days of the festival but hopefully before I leave, I'll have seen these 31 films:

La Tete Haute (Standing Tall)
Il Racconto Dei Racconti (Tale of Tales)
Un Etaj Mai Jos (One Floor Below)
Saul Fia (Son of Saul)
Irrational Man
Chauthi Koot (The Fourth Direction)
The Sea of Trees
Mia Madre (My Mother)
Mon Roi (My King)
Zvizdan (The High Sun)
Louder Than Bombs
La Loi Du Marche
Marguerite and Julien
Las Elegidas (The Chosen Ones)

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