Monday, 14 May 2012

For Your Consideration: LAMMYs 2012

I've just voted for the sites I hope to win in the 2012 LAMMYs.  I've also just seen I'm eligible for Best New LAMB.  Unfortunately I have next to no design abilities and am thoroughly undeserving of most of the accolades so I'm not going to be able to make a poster.  But I'm still going to take two minutes to ask you to spare a thought for little old I Love That Film when you come to voting for Best New LAMB.  It would be a great honour for me to have you even spend a moment considering this little LAMB before deciding better of it and voting for someone who put some effort into making a poster and stuff!  You can vote for me and the many other LAMBS here.

This may not be the funniest, most prolific, well designed or remotely close to the best blog out there but dammit who doesn't love an underdog?  Go on... vote for I Love That Film to win everything!  I'm LAMB number #1187 if you are seriously considering it... and why wouldn't you?

Good luck to all the bloody long list of potential LAMBS but particularly to those I voted for and would desperately love to win.  I hope you know who you all are!


  1. Good luck with the lammies Pete. We have had an influx of excellent new blog this past year, yours included. It will be really exciting to see the votes unfold!

  2. I have already done my votes!! There may well have been a little vote for you in there..... who knows ;-)

    Good luck matey, not that you need it!

    1. Thanks Scott! The competition is ridiculously goos so I'm not holding my breath.

  3. I'm voting at this very moment, so I'll see if I can include your site somewhere on my ballot ( :

    1. Thanks Chris! I'd appreciate every single vote.

  4. I've cast my vote and yes, your blog is most definitely amongst the noms for BEST NEW LAMB. Best of luck to you, Pete!

    1. Aaaah thanks for thinking of me Ruth, you were also featured in quite a few categories when I voted!

  5. Got you on my short list of contenders this year!

  6. Thanks very much! You also made some appearances in some categories when I voted!


Join me in conversation! Please leave a comment on your own pondering.