If you’re having
trouble coping with a negative review of The Dark Knight Rises, The Droid
You’re Looking For can help you http://tdylf.com/2012/07/16/the-five-stages-of-coping-with-a-negative-dark-knight-rises-review/
If that doesn’t
work, Man, I Love Films brings the news there are counsellors on standby to
manage your depression at the end of the trilogy http://manilovefilms.com/everything-else/2012/07/crisis-counselors-standing-by-to-combat-dark-knight-depression/
The Focused
Filmographer takes a look at some fan-made videos and posters for The Dark
Knight Rises http://thefocusedfilmographer.com/2012/07/16/take-a-glance-fan-appreciation-for-the-dark-knight-rises/
This one is not
bat-related but thinking about it, a certain Christian Bale might want to look
over Rodney’s guide to surviving being a celebrity before he throws another
hissy fit on a set! http://www.frontroomcinema.com/midweek-mumble-how-to-survive-a-celebrity-scandal/
3 Guys 1 Movie
want to know who should direct and star in the next Batman movie http://3guys1movie.com/?p=5442
The Movie Blog
calls for some sanity from the rabid fanboys that have lost their minds over
negative reviews of TDKR on Rotten Tomatoes http://them0vieblog.com/2012/07/19/the-knight-is-darkest-appeals-to-fanboy-sanity/
Ruth takes a look
at two of the best scenes from The Dark Knight http://flixchatter.net/2012/07/19/scene-spotlight-the-dark-knights-interrogation-and-harvey-dent-dinner-scene/