Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Fall in love, see the sights, have a laugh!

Can't get this trailer out of my head so I must share it with you all now.  It's for Ben Wheatley's new genre mash-up Sightseers, coming to UK screens on 30 November 2012.

Wheatley's last film Kill List was praised by critics but left me pretty baffled.  A strange mix of crime film and occult horror, it was certainly original if not wholly satisfying.  This, on the other hand, looks absolutely brilliant.  A delightful mash up of laugh out loud funny with disturbing killer lovers on the loose, I can't think of a film I'm more excited about now this year.

Check out the trailer below if you haven't watched this yet already and make sure that if you like this sort of thing you make a trip to the cinema to see it and support British film!

Watch out for the ginger faced man and the angry woman from 30 November and if you're not from round these parts, just hope and pray it gets an international release!