Forget Heat’s
Pacino and De Niro face to face over a coffee. Could there be a more
exciting prospect than Al Pacino VS Christopher Walken? This should be one of the best shouting
matches you’ve ever seen. Unfortunately
there looks to be less shouting and more talking, driving and a bit of shooting
from what we can see so far of Stand Up Guys in the brand
new trailer.
Still, it looks promising with Pacino and
Walken as a couple of aging con-men who look set to square off after
getting their old pals together for the ever-so-reliable ‘one last job’.
But just imagine the fireworks that would
have ensued if Pacino and Walken had a face-off in their prime. The King of New York Vs Michael Corleone. If only these two had got together before
they got, let’s face it, a bit old.
As it is, the pair look a little passed it
but thanks to the fast cars, a slick bit of humour and the very welcome Alan Arkin, this could potentially
still be one to stand up and shout about.
The trio of elderly Oscar winners are directed by Fisher Stevens (Ben from Short
Circuit 1 and 2!) and joined by Julianna
Margulies (TV’s ER and The Good Wife) and Vanessa Ferlito (Death Proof)
in supporting roles.