Saturday, 2 March 2013

Dangerous Minds enters the Emporium @StaticMass

My good friend and wonderful editor Patrick from Static Mass Emporium invited me to write a piece on the film Dangerous Minds recently. He told me that there was a back to school theme going on with a piece being contributed on Dead Poet's Society and Apt Pupil and that a piece on the 1995 film Dangerous Minds would also be very welcome, especially coming from a teacher.

I hadn't seen the film since I saw it in the cinema back in '95 but as Patrick pointed me to a YouTube link to the whole film online for free, I thought I'd give it a go. My main memory of the film is of Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise, a song I still love and know all the words to until this day. In fact my wife and I sang the whole song as we rode through the night on a moped on a Greek Island once. How gangsta is that? OK maybe not...

Anyway re-watching the film, I liked it a lot. Watching from the perspective of a teacher was very interesting as I was constantly thinking about what Michelle Pfeiffer's character was doing and whether it would be realistic to try anything similar. It's a surprisingly convincing film and pretty emotional too.

Here's a link to my full review of Dangerous Minds at Static Mass Emporium and you can watch the film below for free if you're interested.

"Dangerous Minds (as well as being the film that gave us Coolio’s classic Gangsta’s Paradise) is the story of one woman’s wish to change the future of an entire class of young adults who’ve been disregarded by the system and left with little chance to turn their lives around. LouAnne, an ex-marine divorcee enters the high school classroom determined to help these students graduate but there’ll be many complications that get in the way of her educational quest..."

Seen it? What did you think?


Join me in conversation! Please leave a comment on your own pondering.